Hymn-type MIDI/MP3/Lyrics (F-I):
- Lord, we proclaim You now Of Your mighty power And Your awesome majesty Lord, come upon u. Type song title, artist or lyrics Top lyrics Community Contribute Business.
- Jubilee Media Manchester 11/09/11 11:09AM - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/livesever.
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TIME | TITLE | TIME | |||||||
Fair Sharon's Rose | 3:05 | 19k | 2.9M | TXT | Fairest Lord Jesus | 3:34 | 23k | 3.4M | TXT |
Faith, Hope, and Love | 5:50 | 29k | 5.6M | TXT | Faith of Our Fathers (Tune: St. Catherine) | 2:40 | 21k | 2.5M | TXT |
Faith of Our Fathers (Tune: Sawston) | 2:31 | 17k | 2.4M | TXT | Faith Unlocks the Door | 2:52 | 11k | 2.8M | TXT |
Farewell (Finlandia) | 4:04 | 24k | 3.9M | TXT | Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation | 2:48 | 15k | 4.0M | TXT |
Father of Peace (M. Lynch) | 1:48 | 11k | 1.7M | TXT | Father's Vacant Chair *4 | 4:11 | 20k | 4.0M | TXT |
Father, Whate'er of Earthly Bliss | 2:03 | 8k | 2.0M | TXT | Fierce Raged the Tempest o'er the Deep | 2:20 | 9k | 2.3M | TXT |
Firefighter's Hymn | 2:31 | 14k | 2.4M | TXT | The First One Ever | 2:51 | 14k | 2.7M | TXT |
Flee As a Bird | 1:27 | 11k | 1.4M | TXT | Fly Like a Bird | 4:28 | 28k | 4.3M | TXT |
Footsteps of Jesus | 4:01 | 29k | 3.9M | TXT | For All the Saints | 2:01 | 17k | 2.0M | TXT |
For God So Loved the World (M. Haugen) | 3:53 | 27k | 3.7M | TXT | For God So Loved the World (R. Merrifield) | 2:06 | 12k | 2.0M | TXT |
For I Know (R. Merrifield) | 2:49 | 14k | 2.7M | TXT | For You Are My God | 4:15 | 22k | 4.1M | TXT |
For Your Faithfulness | 2:07 | 14k | 2.0M | TXT | From an Upper Room | 4:41 | 68k | 4.5M | TXT |
Galilee Song | 4:17 | 31k | 4.1M | TXT | Gather in Your Name | 6:56 | 41k | 6.6M | TXT |
Gather the People (5 verses) | 4:39 | 50k | 4.5M | TXT | Gather the People (10 verses) | 8:24 | 89k | 8.1M | TXT |
Gather Your People (B. Hurd) | 3:51 | 37k | 3.7M | TXT | Gathered in the Love of Christ | 3:41 | 29k | 3.5M | TXT |
Gentle Shepherd | 4:19 | 10k | 4.1M | TXT | Gift of Love | 1:49 | 10k | 1.7M | TXT |
Give Me Ears to Listen | 3:28 | 24k | 3.3M | TXT | Give Me Oil in My Lamp | 2:54 | 21k | 2.8M | TXT |
Give of Your Best to the Master | 2:42 | 15k | 2.6M | TXT | Give Thanks | 3:08 | 32k | 3.0M | TXT |
Give Thanks to the Lord (verses 1-4) | 1:58 | 14k | 1.9M | TXT | Give Up Your Life to Christ *2 | 1:55 | 11k | 1.8M | TXT |
Glendalough Mass - Alleluia | 1:06 | 13k | 1.1M | TXT | Glendalough Mass - Doxology/Amen | 0:55 | 8k | 0.9M | TXT |
Glendalough Mass - Glory to God | 2:40 | 33k | 2.6M | TXT | Glendalough Mass - Holy, Holy, Holy | 1:08 | 18k | 1.1M | TXT |
Glendalough Mass - Kyrie | 0:54 | 9k | 0.9M | TXT | Glendalough Mass - Lamb of God | 1:13 | 10k | 1.2M | TXT |
Glendalough Mass - The Lord's Prayer | 1:25 | 18k | 1.4M | TXT | Glendalough Mass - Save Us, Savior of the World | 0:37 | 7k | 0.6M | TXT |
Glendalough Mass - We Proclaim Your Death | 0:25 | 6k | 0.4M | TXT | Glendalough Mass - When We Eat This Bread | 0:25 | 6k | 0.4M | TXT |
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Mark Hayes) | 7:10 | 142k | 6.9M | TXT | Glorious Everlasting | 2:54 | 25k | 2.8M | TXT |
Glory and Praise to Our God (D. Schutte) | 3:16 | 23k | 3.1M | TXT | Glory and Praise to Our God (D. Schutte) - SATB | 3:14 | 26k | 3.1M | TXT |
Glory in the Cross (D. Schutte) - Easter Sunday | 2:56 | 19k | 2.8M | TXT | Glory in the Cross (D. Schutte) - Good Friday | 2:56 | 18k | 2.8M | TXT |
Glory in the Cross (D. Schutte) - Holy Thursday | 3:50 | 25k | 3.7M | TXT | Glory to God - Hylton | 1:53 | 8k | 1.8M | TXT |
Go Down, Moses | 3:44 | 16k | 3.6M | TXT | Go Make a Difference | 2:35 | 47k | 2.5M | TXT |
Go Now in Peace (N. Sleeth) | 0:42 | 7k | 0.7M | TXT | Go Now Together in My Name | 3:23 | 21k | 3.3M | TXT |
Go to Dark Gethsemane | 1:31 | 10k | 1.4M | TXT | God's Spirit Is in My Heart (Go Tell Everyone) | 4:14 | 30k | 4.1M | TXT |
God Is Everywhere | 1:28 | 8k | 1.4M | TXT | God Is Here (Abbot's Leigh) | 4:12 | 26k | 4.0M | TXT |
God Is Love (D. Haas) | 3:42 | 20k | 3.6M | TXT | God Made You (R. Merrifield) | 1:26 | 19k | 1.4M | TXT |
God of Comfort, Close to Me *6 | 3:11 | 19k | 3.0M | TXT | God of Day and God of Darkness | 4:02 | 20k | 3.9M | TXT |
God of Love (D. Schutte) | 3:28 | 25k | 3.3M | TXT | God of Love (D. Schutte) - w/Descant | 3:28 | 26k | 3.3M | TXT |
God of Our Fathers | 2:05 | 16k | 2.0M | TXT | God of the Hungry | 2:35 | 18k | 2.5M | TXT |
God of the Poor (K. Keil) | 4:20 | 52k | 4.1M | TXT | God So Loved (R. Merrifield) | 2:48 | 12k | 2.7M | TXT |
God That Madest Earth and Heaven | 1:20 | 9k | 1.3M | TXT | God with Us (D. Schutte) | 5:28 | 41k | 5.2M | TXT |
God with Us (D. Schutte) - SATB | 5:28 | 43k | 5.2M | TXT | God's Holy Gifts - SAB | 4:58 | 37k | 4.8M | TXT |
God's Holy Mystery - SAB | 7:30 | 38k | 7.2M | TXT | The Goodness of the Lord : Psalm 27 (S. Soper) | 3:31 | 15k | 3.4M | TXT |
Gospel Acclamation - Luke 1:28 | 1:04 | 6k | 1.1M | TXT | Gospel Acclamation - Matthew 17:5 | 1:00 | 3k | 1.0M | TXT |
Grace (R. Merrifield) | 0:47 | 4k | 0.8M | TXT | Grace upon Grace | 4:24 | 58k | 4.3M | TXT |
Great I Am - Holy, Holy, Holy | 6:18 | 96k | 6.1M | TXT | Great Is Thy Faithfulness | 2:41 | 27k | 2.6M | TXT |
Guide Us, Lord | 4:36 | 38k | 4.4M | TXT | Guilty of Loving Me | 3:43 | 29k | 3.6M | TXT |
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above | 2:26 | 18k | 2.4M | TXT | Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above - SATB (6 vs) | 5:15 | 35k | 5.1M | TXT |
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above - SATB | 3:20 | 22k | 3.2M | TXT | Hail Mary, Full of Grace (C. Browning) | 3:15 | 21k | 3.1M | TXT |
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman | 4:47 | 26k | 4.6M | TXT | Hail Queen of Heaven | 3:09 | 23k | 3.0M | TXT |
Hail Redeemer, King Divine (Brit. - C. Rigby) | 3:15 | 26k | 3.1M | TXT | Hail Thee, Festival Day | 3:35 | 29k | 3.4M | TXT |
Hallelujah Chorus from 'Mount of Olives' | 4:43 | 45k | 4.6M | TXT | Hallelujah Chorus from 'Mount of Olives' - orch. | 4:43 | 59k | 4.6M | TXT |
Hallelujah to the Lamb (D. Moen) | 3:58 | 33k | 3.8M | TXT | The Hand of God Shall Hold You | 4:07 | 20k | 4.0M | TXT |
Happy Are They Who Dwell in Your House | 3:26 | 20k | 3.3M | TXT | Have Faith in God (Stephens) | 2:52 | 30k | 2.8M | TXT |
Have No Fear, Little Flock | 2:51 | 18k | 2.8M | TXT | Have You Been to Calvary | 3:37 | 21k | 3.5M | TXT |
Have You Ever Heard | 1:40 | 19k | 1.6M | TXT | He | 2:04 | 17k | 2.0M | TXT |
He Cares (R. Merrifield) | 3:57 | 18k | 3.8M | TXT | He Has Made Me Glad | 3:13 | 34k | 3.1M | TXT |
He Healed the Darkness of My Mind | 1:40 | 13k | 1.6M | TXT | He Is Alive! | 4:47 | 47k | 5.1M | TXT |
He Is Risen from the Dead (S. DeFord) | 4:17 | 26k | 4.1M | TXT | He Is the Lord | 2:29 | 17k | 2.4M | TXT |
He Keeps Me Singing | 2:14 | 15k | 2.1M | TXT | He Keeps Me Singing - SATB | 3:58 | 59k | 3.8M | TXT |
He Knows My Name (T. Walker) | 2:13 | 15k | 2.1M | TXT | He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought | 2:24 | 20k | 2.3M | TXT |
He the Pearly Gates Will Open | 3:41 | 23k | 3.5M | TXT | He Touched Me | 1:55 | 12k | 1.8M | TXT |
He Was There All the Time | 3:08 | 11k | 3.0M | TXT | Heal Me, Lord (R. Merrifield) | 2:37 | 14k | 2.5M | TXT |
Healing River of the Spirit | 2:12 | 15k | 2.1M | TXT | Hear, O Israel - round (R. Merrifield) | 3:51 | 17k | 3.7M | TXT |
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord | 1:08 | 4k | 1.1M | TXT | Heaven and Earth (R. Merrifield) | 1:57 | 11k | 1.9M | TXT |
Help, Lord, for the Godly Ceaseth | 3:22 | 22k | 3.3M | TXT | Help Me to Appreciate - Round (R. Merrifield) | 1:54 | 8k | 1.8M | TXT |
Help Us God, Our Savior (R. Merrifield) | 4:34 | 29k | 4.4M | TXT | Here at This Table | 6:17 | 85k | 6.1M | TXT |
Here at This Table - SATB | 6:57 | 100k | 6.7M | TXT | Here I Am (T. Booth) | 4:21 | 16k | 4.2M | TXT |
Here I Am, Lord | 3:30 | 17k | 3.4M | TXT | Here I Am, Lord - SATB | 5:17 | 31k | 5.1M | TXT |
Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face | 3:34 | 16k | 3.4M | TXT | Heritage Mass - Amen | 0:16 | 2k | 0.3M | TXT |
Heritage Mass - Glory to God | 2:14 | 12k | 2.2M | TXT | Heritage Mass - Holy | 0:52 | 6k | 0.9M | TXT |
Heritage Mass - Lamb of God | 1:10 | 6k | 1.1M | TXT | Heritage Mass - Lord, Have Mercy | 0:38 | 5k | 0.6M | TXT |
Heritage Mass - Save Us, Savior | 0:26 | 3k | 0.4M | TXT | Heritage Mass - We Proclaim Your Death | 0:24 | 3k | 0.4M | TXT |
Heritage Mass - When We Eat This Bread | 0:32 | 3k | 0.4M | TXT | Heritage Mass - When We Eat This Bread (old ver) | 0:27 | 3k | 0.5M | TXT |
He's Always Been Faithful | 5:02 | 47k | 4.8M | TXT | Hesus ng Aking Buhay (Filipino Hymn) | 4:55 | 31k | 4.7M | TXT |
His Eye Is on the Sparrow | 4:28 | 55k | 4.3M | TXT | His Grace Will Lead Us Through | 4:23 | 88k | 4.2M | TXT |
Holden Evening Prayer-Proc. and Evening Hymn | 2:52 | 21k | 2.8M | TXT | Holden Evening Prayer-Evening Thanksgiving | 1:07 | 6k | 1.1M | TXT |
Holden Evening Prayer-Psalm 141 | 2:22 | 17k | 2.3M | TXT | Holden Evening Prayer-Psalm 25 | 2:35 | 16k | 2.5M | TXT |
Holden Evening Prayer-Psalm 51 | 2:27 | 16k | 2.4M | TXT | Holden Evening Prayer-Psalm 130 | 2:42 | 15k | 2.6M | TXT |
Holden Evening Prayer-Annunc/Magnific/Intercess | 4:53 | 36k | 4.7M | TXT | Holden Evening Prayer-Final Blessing | 0:43 | 4k | 0.7M | TXT |
Holy and Living Bread (Panis Angelicus)-English | 1:52 | 8k | 1.8M | TXT | Holy and Living Bread (Panis Angelicus)-Latin | 1:52 | 8k | 1.8M | TXT |
The Holy City | 5:05 | 50k | 4.9M | TXT | Holy Darkness (D. Schutte) | 7:00 | 35k | 6.7M | TXT |
Holy God, Holy Friend (C. Landry) | 4:02 | 31k | 3.8M | TXT | Holy God, We Praise Thy Name | 2:46 | 16k | 2.7M | TXT |
Holy Ground | 4:01 | 17k | 3.8M | TXT | Holy Ground - SATB | 4:22 | 37k | 4.2M | TXT |
Holy, Holy, Holy | 2:08 | 17k | 2.0M | TXT | Holy Is His Name | 3:43 | 16k | 3.6M | TXT |
Holy Is Your Name | 4:37 | 25k | 4.4M | TXT | Holy Mother of Our Savior | 3:53 | 25k | 3.7M | TXT |
Holy Spirit (M. Misetich) | 2:28 | 12k | 2.4M | TXT | Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove (R. Merrifield) | 3:33 | 20k | 3.4M | TXT |
Hosanna in the Highest Heaven (R. Merrifield) | 3:33 | 21k | 3.4M | TXT | Hosanna in the Highest Heaven (R. Merrifield)-br | 3:33 | 27k | 3.4M | TXT |
Hosanna Loud Hosanna | 2:32 | 19k | 2.4M | TXT | Hosanna to the Son of David (D. Schutte) | 5:43 | 47k | 5.5M | TXT |
Hosea (G. Norbet) | 2:43 | 11k | 2.6M | TXT | Hosea (G. Norbet) - SATB | 2:43 | 12k | 2.6M | TXT |
How Beautiful | 3:53 | 44k | 3.7M | TXT | How Blessed Is the Man | 1:38 | 15k | 1.6M | TXT |
How Can I Keep from Singing | 1:37 | 9k | 1.4M | TXT | How Great Is Our God | 3:04 | 21k | 3.0M | TXT |
How Great Thou Art | 2:32 | 14k | 2.4M | TXT | How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place (M. Joncas) | 2:44 | 22k | 2.6M | TXT |
How Precious Is Your Love (R. Merrifield) | 3:08 | 29k | 3.0M | TXT | How Sweet Are Your Words (R. Merrifield) | 2:29 | 14k | 2.4M | TXT |
How Sweet the Sound of Jesus' Name *1 | 2:46 | 20k | 2.7M | TXT | Humbly Lord, We Worship You | 3:49 | 13k | 3.7M | TXT |
Hymn of Creation (M. Lynch) | 3:05 | 24k | 2.9M | TXT | Hymn of Promise | 1:36 | 7k | 1.5M | TXT |
I Am Adam | 3:05 | 25k | 3.0M | TXT | I Am an Ax (R. Merrifield) | 1:37 | 11k | 1.6M | TXT |
I Am the Bread of Life (S. Toolan) | 3:53 | 33k | 3.7M | TXT | I Am the Living Bread | 4:41 | 20k | 4.4M | TXT |
I Asked the Lord | 2:15 | 15k | 2.2M | TXT | I Believe | 2:10 | 16k | 2.1M | TXT |
I Believe in Jesus | 2:58 | 21k | 2.9M | TXT | I Brought You (R. Merrifield) | 4:35 | 23k | 4.4M | TXT |
I Come to Him (S. DeFord) | 5:16 | 26k | 5.0M | TXT | I Find No Fault in Him | 1:51 | 13k | 1.8M | TXT |
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus | 1:59 | 14k | 1.9M | TXT | I Have Loved You (M. Joncas) | 3:05 | 14k | 2.9M | TXT |
I Have Loved You (M. Joncas) - SATB | 3:03 | 14k | 2.9M | TXT | I Have Loved You (R. Merrifield) | 2:16 | 15k | 2.2M | TXT |
I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe (S. DeFord) | 4:35 | 29k | 4.9M | TXT | I Have Prayed for Thee | 2:56 | 24k | 2.8M | TXT |
I Have Seen the Lord | 6:44 | 29k | 6.5M | TXT | I Know That My Redeemer Lives (S. Soper) | 2:37 | 16k | 2.5M | TXT |
I Lift Up My Soul (T. Manion) | 3:10 | 10k | 3.0M | TXT | I Love to Tell the Story | 3:35 | 26k | 3.5M | TXT |
I Love You, Lord (R. Merrifield) | 2:49 | 14k | 2.7M | TXT | I May Never Pass This Way Again | 2:16 | 20k | 2.2M | TXT |
I Meditate on Your Precepts (R. Merrifield) | 1:49 | 11k | 1.8M | TXT | I Must Have My Saviour with Me | 2:36 | 21k | 2.5M | TXT |
I Need Thee Every Hour | 2:01 | 16k | 1.9M | TXT | I Sing a Maid | 2:50 | 18k | 2.7M | TXT |
I Sing the Mighty Power of God | 1:35 | 11k | 1.5M | TXT | I Sought the Lord | 1:39 | 14k | 1.6M | TXT |
I Thank My God | 3:04 | 20k | 3.0M | TXT | I Thank You, Lord | 3:54 | 55k | 3.8M | TXT |
I, the Lord (T. Kendzia) | 5:27 | 23k | 5.2M | TXT | I, the Lord (T. Kendzia) - SATB | 5:27 | 26k | 5.2M | TXT |
I, the Lord (T. Kendzia) - SATB version 2 | 5:22 | 29k | 5.2M | TXT | I Wait for the Lord | 1:24 | 9k | 1.4M | TXT |
I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked | 3:12 | 24k | 3.1M | TXT | I Want to Be Ready | 1:28 | 22k | 1.4M | TXT |
I Want to Call You (D. Haas) | 3:02 | 20k | 2.9M | TXT | I Was Glad | 2:10 | 18k | 2.1M | TXT |
I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry | 2:30 | 14k | 2.4M | TXT | I Will Be the Vine | 5:25 | 21k | 5.2M | TXT |
I Will Choose Christ | 4:40 | 27k | 4.5M | TXT | I Will Make All Things New | 4:31 | 63k | 4.3M | TXT |
I Will Pilot Thee | 3:50 | 21k | 3.7M | TXT | I Will Praise Your Name | 4:12 | 20k | 4.0M | TXT |
I Would Be True | 1:48 | 11k | 1.7M | TXT | I Yearn to Sing *5 | 2:38 | 14k | 2.5M | TXT |
If God Is for Us | 3:20 | 21k | 3.2M | TXT | If I Can Help Somebody | 2:02 | 14k | 2.0M | TXT |
If We Confess Our Sins (R. Merrifield) | 2:48 | 15k | 2.7M | TXT | If You Hear the Voice of God | 2:27 | 15k | 2.3M | TXT |
If You Love Me (R. Merrifield) | 1:19 | 8k | 1.3M | TXT | I'm a Child of the King (R. Merrifield) | 2:35 | 23k | 2.5M | TXT |
Immaculate Mary | 3:44 | 20k | 3.6M | TXT | Immaculate Mary - SATB | 2:27 | 16k | 2.4M | TXT |
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise | 2:51 | 20k | 2.7M | TXT | I'm Your Mother | 2:30 | 8k | 3.4M | TXT |
In Christ Alone | 4:24 | 34k | 4.2M | TXT | In Every Age - Psalm 90 | 3:25 | 23k | 3.2M | TXT |
In Every Situation (R. Merrifield) | 2:54 | 22k | 2.8M | TXT | In Green Shady Pastures *9 | 1:32 | 13k | 1.5M | TXT |
In Love We Choose to Live | 2:56 | 21k | 2.8M | TXT | In My Father's Hand | 5:28 | 25k | 5.3M | TXT |
In Remembrance (Buryl Red) | 2:28 | 14k | 2.4M | TXT | In Remembrance (Buryl Red) - SATB | 3:17 | 37k | 3.2M | TXT |
In Remembrance of You | 3:21 | 16k | 3.2M | TXT | In the Cross of Jesus I Glory | 1:30 | 9k | 1.5M | TXT |
In the Day of the Lord | 3:49 | 36k | 3.7M | TXT | In the Garden | 2:52 | 21k | 2.8M | TXT |
In the Last Watch *10 | 4:17 | 20k | 4.1M | TXT | In This Place (Tobias Golgan) | 2:00 | 13k | 1.9M | TXT |
In This Place (Trevor Thomson) | 5:30 | 26k | 5.3M | TXT | In This Very Room | 2:44 | 14k | 2.6M | TXT |
In You, Lord, I Have Found My Peace (Psalm 131) | 2:21 | 12k | 2.2M | TXT | In Your Love Remember Me (T. Kendzia) | 2:57 | 23k | 2.9M | TXT |
In Your Love Remember Me (T. Kendzia) - SATB | 2:57 | 27k | 2.9M | TXT | Inang Mahal (Filipino Hymn) | 3:35 | 26k | 3.4M | TXT |
Inang Minamahal (Filipino Hymn) | 2:31 | 19k | 2.4M | TXT | Inay (Filipino - 'Mother') | 4:25 | 38k | 4.2M | TXT |
Increase Our Faith (D. Haas) | 3:00 | 24k | 2.8M | TXT | Instruments of Your Peace | 6:01 | 24k | 5.8M | TXT |
Into the Future *7 | 3:56 | 26k | 3.8M | TXT | Into the Woods (P. Lutkin) *3 | 1:43 | 9k | 1.6M | TXT |
Isaiah 49 | 2:55 | 15k | 2.8M | TXT | Isang Pagkain, Isang Katawan, Isang Bayan (Fil.) | 4:09 | 26k | 4.0M | TXT |
It Is No Secret (What God Can Do) | 2:46 | 16k | 2.6M | TXT | It Is Well with My Soul | 2:47 | 10k | 2.6M | TXT |
It Is Well with My Soul - Piano Solo | 2:58 | 8k | 2.9M | TXT | It's Beginning to Rain | 4:42 | 32k | 4.5M | TXT |
It's Me, It's Me O Lord | 1:57 | 26k | 1.9M | TXT | I've Been Through the Valley *8 | 3:52 | 36k | 3.7M | TXT |
Play the song Jesus We Enthrone You by Don Moen from Rivers of Joy album. Lyrics:-Jesus, we enthrone you We proclaim you are king Standing here, in the midst of all We raise you with our praise And as we worship fill the throne And as we worship fill the throne And as we worship fill the throne Come lord Jesus and take your place (2). Check out We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord by W. Clifford Petty on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com.
*2 Original composition by Bob Sorem (written in 2008)
*3 Original sequence by my sister Phoebe (I just did a little 'touchup')
*4 This is 'The Vacant Chair' with my modified lyrics and harmony Lyrics here
*5 Original composition by Bob Sorem; Lyrics by Delbert Evans; Copyright(c) 2009
*6 Original composition by Bob Sorem; Lyrics by Lorna Gray; Copyright(c) 2004
*7 Original composition (words and lyrics) by Bob Sorem; Copyright(c) 2012;
(For a niece's wedding)
*8 Original composition and lyrics by Lorna Gray; Copyright(c) 2013;
Harmonization by Bob Sorem
*9 Music by Fred Fillmore; These lyrics by Lorna Gray; Copyright(c) 2012
*10 Music by Edward Dearle; These lyrics by Lorna Gray; Copyright(c) 2014
Download : Don-moen-Jesus-we-enthrone-you
Lord We Proclaim You Now Mp3 Free Download
Play the song Jesus We Enthrone You by Don Moen from Rivers of Joy album
Jesus, we enthrone you
We proclaim you are king
Standing here, in the midst of all
We raise you with our praise
And as we worship fill the throne
And as we worship fill the throne
And as we worship fill the throne
Come lord Jesus and take your place (2)
Lord We Proclaim You Now Song By Td Jakes
And as we worship fill the throne
And as we worship fill the throne
And as we worship fill the throne
Come lord Jesus and take your place…